In this section you will find link out to internal pages of the CountingEdge website that cover random topics related to Blackjack.

  • The Blackjack Table: Learn all about the setup and layout of the classic blackjack table, including how to place bets and what each section of the table means.
  • Blackjack Dealers: Discover the role of the blackjack dealer, including their responsibilities, rules, and how they interact with players at the table.
  • Blackjack House Advantage: Understand the mathematical advantage that the casino has in blackjack, and how it affects your overall chances of winning.
  • Blackjack Frequently Asked Questions: Get answers to common questions about blackjack, including rules, strategy, and etiquette.
  • Blackjack Variations: Explore different variations of blackjack, such as Spanish 21, Pontoon, and Double Exposure, and learn the unique rules and strategies for each game
  • Bible and Gambling: Learn about the biblical perspective on gambling and whether it is considered a sin or not.
  • Craiglist Las Vegas: Discover the various services and opportunities available on Craigslist Las Vegas related to gambling, such as job postings, events, and housing. Also see our Vacation Guide for Las Vegas  with tips and recommendations for planning the perfect Las Vegas vacation, including where to stay, what to do, and where to gamble.
  • Profesional Blackjack Players: Meet some of the most successful and famous blackjack players in history, and learn their strategies and secrets for winning big.
  • Blackjack Betting Systems; Explore popular betting systems used in blackjack, such as the Martingale, Parlay, and Labouchere systems, and understand their pros and cons.
  • Blackjack Books: Discover some of the most popular and influential books about blackjack, including strategy guides, memoirs, and biographies.
  • The Authority Structure of a casino Blackjack Pit: Learn about the hierarchy of roles in a casino blackjack pit, including the dealer, pit boss, shift manager, and casino manager
  • Blackjack Tournaments: Understand the rules and strategies for participating in blackjack tournaments, and learn how to improve your chances of winning.
  • High Stakes Blackjack: Learn about the exciting world of high-stakes blackjack, where players bet big and win even bigger.
  • Casino Software: Discover the technology behind online and mobile casino games, including the software used to power them and the companies that create them.
  • Blackjack Money Management: Get tips and strategies for managing your bankroll and making smart bets at the blackjack table.


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