Electronic blackjack games with a live dealer are appearing more and more often in live casinos, and even online, as gaming companies attempt to entice more people into giving blackjack a try. Blackjack is a game that is always being tinkered with; casinos love to create new varieties and twists on the game of 21. Some of these new varieties, like Spanish 21, become staples in the casino. Many of them, like Royal Match, never really catch on and become a passing fad. Live dealer electronic blackjack looks like it might be one of those, but if you are going to play it there are some things you should know.

A Slot Machine in Disguise

Electronic Blackjack

Give gamblers credit for being smart. Most, if not all, of them know that the casino slot machines are what keep the casinos in business. They bring in huge amounts of revenue, and the odds for the player are extremely bad. Whenever something puts its back against a wall and challenges all comers to take a crack at it, the odds of beating it are probably not good.

The really smart gamblers know this, of course, and avoid slot machines like the plague. They play table games like craps and blackjack. The casino is happy to provide those games because most people lose at them, but they would really like it if table games players found their way to the slot machines—especially those players that know how to beat a game like blackjack by counting cards and using proper strategy. It took them some time, but the gaming companies finally figured out they could translate some table games to a slot machine platform. That’s when video poker and blackjack made their appearance. Some casinos, like the one at Oaklawn Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas, even offer an electronic horseracing game.

When smart players still didn’t take the bait, the casino figured out that many of them play table games because they like the interaction with the dealers. They like being able to make decisions. It makes them feel like they are in control. Enter the live dealer electronic blackjack games. These machines, which are just slot machines in disguise, have become pretty popular.

The Live Dealer in Electronic Blackjack

Have you noticed that most of the live dealers in electronic blackjack games are women? Have you also noticed that most of them are scantily dressed? Gone is the overweight, balding male blackjack dealer who smirks at you when you lose. The live dealers in electronic blackjack are pure eye candy. They can even make you enjoy losing!

And, truthfully, most of these “live” dealers aren’t really live at all. The machine uses prerecorded video to simulate the “live” dealer. Play long enough at an electronic blackjack game and you will notice the responses of the dealer seem to repeat in an endless loop. Now, some online casinos really do use a “live” dealer, but this is just an optical illusion to make players think everything is on the square.

The Machine Controls All Payouts in Electronic Blackjack

Just like a slot machine, the electronic blackjack game is programmed to pay back a certain amount of money that is spent by players. In many of these games, the machine has already determined if a hand will be won or lost by the player before the cards are even dealt. The decision is made once your bet is placed, before you press the DEAL CARDS button. Once your cards land, any decisions you make are not going to affect the outcome one way or the other. That’s why the electronic live blackjack dealer will draw out on you for a 21 when you hold 20. At a real, live table that would never happen as often as it does in electronic blackjack.

There is writing on many of these machines which says, “Game uses one 52-card deck.” That’s true enough, but it doesn’t mean much. The electronic game reshuffles after every hand. You can’t even begin to count cards when that happens.

So, if playing the correct blackjack strategy is worthless and so is card counting, what reason do you have to play the game? If you are a serious blackjack player and want to make money, you don’t have a reason. Avoid these live dealer electronic games in favor of a standard, old school blackjack game.

Now, here at CountingEdge we see one way you can benefit from these machines. They are good for helping you practice your card counting and strategy skills. Take $20 bucks, bet the minimum, and expect to lose. While you are sitting there, practice keeping a running count. Make the right play on every hand and memorize the various situations you will encounter at a real blackjack table.

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1 Response Comment

  • SirromancealotApril 9, 2018 at 6:16 pm

    This is very true the casino electronic black jack games the machine always gets more blackjacks. I also noticed that when I have a 12 and draw I more than not bust. I play on my phone I mostly win, at the casino mostly lose. Strategy doesn’t work on their machines. If you want to play black jack play with a real dealer it’s a suckers bet with the electronic version I know.


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